volunteer young girl

Join Our Pack!
On a daily basis, we have new foster dogs and cats coming into the system that need medical care, such as insulin, heart meds, allergy meds etc.  Won't you be part of the pack and help with a monthly donation?
  • Nail Clipper Pack - $10/month
  • Paw Pack - $25/month
  • Tail Wag Pack - $50/month
  • Wet Kiss Pack - $100/month

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Animal Browse

 Check Out Our Wonderful, Loving Little Buddies!!!!

Please understand we do not adopt out to families with children under the age of 5.

For their protection and the dogs!!!

Status: Available

Description: I am the sweetest little girl EVER!  I didn't have anyone love me and I found myself pregnant and alone. I was scared and I had no where to go. I had my babies alone under a deck :(  Finally someone saw me and my babies and called 2nd Chance, but unfortunately by then I had lost one of my babies :(  Now my 3 other little ones and me are safe in the arms of 2nd Chance. I'm spayed, housetrained, had my shots and am super sweet. I love kids but I am not fond of dogs. I can tolerate cats but would prefer to be an only pet. I am ready for someone to love me FUREVER Click for more information... Breed: American Shorthair (short coat)
Species/Sex: Cat/Female

Status: Available
Breed: Domestic Short Hair (short coat)
Species/Sex: Cat/Female

My Purrrrrfect Partner
Status: Available
My Purrrrrfect Partner

Description: We are constantly being asked to help find a home for a helpless cat.  Typically it is someone is moving or the owner has died and there are only days to keep it from being tossed on the street or ending up in a kill shelter.PLEASE tell us what you are looking for in your next cat and we will process you application and call you when we have "a fit"Thank you for caring enough to adopt instead of shop! Click for more information... Breed: American Shorthair
Species: Cat

Status: Available
Breed: Domestic Medium Hair (medium coat)
Species/Sex: Cat/Male

A-Z Tell us What you are looking for
Status: Available
A-Z Tell us What you are looking for

Description: Please give us a brief description of the type of dog you are looking for and characteristics it MUST have.  We will do our best to help you find him/her if you pass our process.  Thank you for thinking about what you want and not just choosing a dog because it is "cute" or a puppy.Please understand the cute puppy will very soon be a one year old and frankly you have no way of knowing what it will look like as an adult.  You also will not know personality like with a dog that is 2+.  A senior dog is a blessing just knowing that it is lucky to be here and loved. Click for more information... Breed: Affenpinscher
Species: Dog

Status: Available

Description: Well my mommy and me and my 3 siblings were really scared until this really nice lady took us in and took care of us until she could get us to 2nd Chance.  Now we are at the ranch and we are having tons of fun running around with the other puppies here and our mom is getting a break!  After all she is only a year old so she doesn't really want to be a mom already :)The Director has NO idea what "breed" we are and she said it doesn't matter we are PURE CUTENESS and shame on people if they need a label! Click for more information... Breed: Australian Shepherd / Mixed (medium coat)
Species/Sex: Dog/Male

Status: Available

Description: Well hellloww world Alvin here.  I'm here with my sissy Ava.  We came from down south and now mom says we are northern implants not sure what that means but ok I'm learning new stuff every day.  We have lots of friends here at the ranch.  We have doxi friends that are a little older than us and mom says to not bark like they do its "annoying" I'm not sure why she thinks that but I tried it and I thought it was rather fun so we do it when moms not in the room but somehow she always knows and she comes out of her office and gives us "the look" hmmmm I wonder how she knows??!!!Ava is my bestest friend and we would LOVE to stick together.  Mom says she will find us a furever home with a fenced yard so we can run and play like we do here!  We aren't "fixed" yet so mom says as soon as we are old enough to have that done we will be ready for our new home.  I didn't know we was broken but I guess I just gotta trust the lady....  I thought maybe we could ... Click for more information... Breed: Pug / Chihuahua (short coat)
Species/Sex: Dog/Male

Status: Available

Description: Hello world!  My name is Ava and I am a "northern transplant".  Me and my brother took a long ride and ended up at this place they call the ranch.  We have lots of friends to play with and these things called humans who always want to pick us up and smooch on us!!!  We let them and then we wiggle to get down and go play!  They are sort of "sissies" Alvin says because when we try to nibble on them they act like we were trying to hurt them.  Alvin says maybe we should just nibble on the bones on the floor and leave the humans fingers alone since they obviously can't handle our nibbles.  They apparently like to be licked so we do that just to make them happy since they seem to be the food dispensers...We have sat down with the staff and told them we would like a fenced yard when we are adopted :)  2nd Chance has promised we will not go to a one dog household we want another small dog to play with if we can't stay together!REQUIRES A FEMCED YARD Click for more information... Breed: Pug / Chihuahua (short coat)
Species: Dog

Big Buddy
Status: Available
Big Buddy

Description: UPDATE 3/5/2024:  Buddy is having some issues being "stiff" but as long as you don't have stairs he does great.  He does guard his toys but if you do a trade with a snack he will give them up :)  Looking for a GS experienced ownerUPDATE:  Buddy is looking fantastic!!  He is a little "stiff" in his old age but I told him its OK so am I!  He LOVES attention, he likes his toys and he is great with the dogs although I think he would be just as happy as an only dog he does fine with all the dogs here at the ranch :)I can only imagine how Buddy must have felt...  Like no one cared, defeated, ready to give up, a banquet for fleas and tics :(  It took us quite a while to get him back to health and still he deals with ear infections from repeated ones not being treated :(  No worries now big man you are loved and valued!Buddy you have your 2nd Chance and we are going to give you an amazing life!!REQUIRES FENCED YARD! Click for more information... Breed: German Shepherd Dog (short coat)
Species/Sex: Dog/Male

Status: Available

Description: Hello ya all I am a souther transplant.  I now need to learn the northern language.  I would work on it but I'm a baby and I like to sleep, eat, do my "business" and repeat.I'm very small so the ranch is looking for safe homes with no large dogs and no children.  For now I am content to hang with my 2 sisters and my brother and just enjoy the ranch!Fill out an adoption application if you would like to be considered.  A fence would be AWESOME! Click for more information... Breed: Chihuahua / Dachshund / Mixed (short coat)
Species/Sex: Dog/Female